Start and grow your career in Human Resources!
Have you been submitting job/employment applications, but NOT GETTING INTERVIEWS?
If so, this is a sign that your resume is not giving the right message.
In this case, start with our detailed Resume Review.
Have you been getting interviews, but NO JOB OFFERS?
This is a sign that your resume is right, but your interviewing skills are not on point.
In this case, start with an Interview Prep video call.
With each service below, you will submit and online form, then get an email with next steps.
Make sure to keep an eye out for immediate emails.
If you don’t get an immediate email, then please check your spam and junk folders.
Frequently Asked Questions
If I make an appointment for a session, but am not able to attend, can I reschedule?
Yes, you can go to the confirmation email and reschedule your appointment.
How will the call take place?
This call will take place on Zoom using video. You will receive the link prior to the call. It is highly recommended to attend using your computer, laptop or tablet.
How will I get the link or access to the call?
You will receive the Zoom link via email/calendar invite prior to the scheduled call.
Is it possible to review documents (i.e. resume, handbook, etc.) on the call?
Yes. For this option, you must attend using your computer, laptop or tablet.
How do I leave a review of my call?
You can leave a review on Google after searching “Heyyy HR” or “Timeka Green”.
Client Testimonials